There is something doubly deflating about being sure and feeling like you’re ahead- you sent out ARC’s ahead of schedule! Before release! Way before the ‘Zon’s deadline! – You checked and re-checked your edits! – only to discover that it’s all lies.

Not all.

I’m still ahead of schedule.

My ARC Readers are super awesome, and I can’t thank them enough for their eagle eyes. The ARCs did get sent out before release. BUT.

Oh, it’s a big BUT, those edits? Gone. Like particles of nothingness that never existed.

Using my formatting program for editing probably wasn’t the greatest idea, but you can write in the program, and I hit the save button. But somehow, the edits aren’t there.

That’s okay.

You always kind of adjust something that is next to something else – or at least I have a tendency to do that – so some things are gone that I can’t get back but because of this raging head cold / virus thing I’ve been dealing with I’m way behind word count and that means, I’ve only been in this world and feel like I can get back on the train of what I had adjusted.

I’m wickedly proud of this book and reviews are saying nice things about it, so I’m thrilled for readers to have the next Mercy book.

By the time readers get it, it’ll be even stronger.

Speaking of stronger, I feel like Sasha and Finn need more love and I’ve re-written the blurb for Flame For Chance and I’m thinking a sale is in order, soon.


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