In my twitter bio and elsewhere, I love to include the line, “I’m disabled AF” and the other night my glasses broke. This has an impact to my mobility, so that has been fun-I’m not leaving the house much. And right when that happened, edits for book three dropped. And I had to extend an apology to the authors I beta read for (sorry!)

That brought to mind all the implications of access of a different kind, and the scale of soical acceptance. Anyways, I have no as-a-Canadian-smugness-fallacy here, just total awareness of how what happens in the States trickles over here and 74% of the current conservative caucus has ‘anti-choice’ records (fuckin’ vote).

Whatever act of resistance you find yourself in, from expressing joy, to talking about disability, retweeting the tweets or ignoring it all, I wish you the self-protection and show of self-love you need.

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