Made a mug, in honour of the first pearl-clutching comment I got, that went along the lines of, “Oh? I don’t think it’s appropriate for a mother to write smut.” 

This is kind of funny because last year, when I joined a Moms Writing Romance Group, the organizer pulled me aside and asked if I really did have kids because I mentioned them so little, only as a footnote in my bio. It’s not just for my writing self, it’s a family rule that we don’t post about our kids online.

I’ve been trying to be an indie author for a decade ( I once had a book blog!)

 I spent three years clawing back from trauma, during which time I couldn’t access the parts of my brain  responsible for creativity.
Mamahood has chilled me out about several things, sliced me into new vulnerabilities all over the place and at the same time, given me the kind of thick skin I didn’t have before.

Before kids, I would have let comments like that sit in my head to the point of derailment
So instead of letting this random internet comment derail me, I have a new favourite mug.

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  3. Just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean you can’t write or enjoy smut! Good for you! Fellow smut reading/writing mothers…

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