We are in the season of “Looks warm out there, but isn’t,” with the nights on their way to lengthening as the wheel moves into the darker months of the year. I’ve been thinking about nourishment and how we eat for nutritional reasons but also for nourishment or wanting to feel satisfied reasons and one thing I appreciate about my marriage as I open my kitchen cupboards and see spices I didn’t have growing up, is the abundance of new food it brought (new recipes, new celebrations).

I made breaded eggplant last night, served with turkey left over from our Thanksgiving, and the idea of that feast feeding everyone now is a really nice one to kind of take on in this chilly morning. Nourishment can be found in simple, unfrilled ways.

Also, thinking about how as a writer, I do better when I know someone is waiting on my words and how as a former blogger, I kind of miss having an immediate audience. November is National Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I’ve challenged myself to blog here every day of November to see if it nourishes some of my writing that I have missed while having a blog. No promises that I’ll be interesting or entertaining, going to do my best to show up here.

For the past few weeks, I have tossed a writer friend pages to read while they’ve tossed theirs at me and that exchange has given me new energy and I got a book done for my alter-ego (ready for betas soon). There is something to this having an audience thing that spurs creativity.

Since I was last here, Flame For Foe has been released into the wild.

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