I’m currently deep in the editing cave and coming out for a bit of air, to see what is going on in Romancelandia and to mull the thoughts.

I don’t have goals, in general because I can’t think of anything more stressful – setting goals feels limiting to me (if it works for you, have at!). So when I see posts of authorgoals or writergoals or authors sharing their page reads, I’m cheering them on but for myself, it’s not how I measure success.

Because of being stressed – not the book but everything, literally everything aside from writing and book stuff – I haven’t planned 2025. And while I may not have goals, I am a huge planner and love to plan and not having a plan doesn’t make me that happy.

But I have Flame For Keeps coming out in December and ideally another – yet unannounced Mercy Book – that will finish off 2024. My readers have been waiting for Ares and Josie’s story and I am striving to make the wait worthwhile.

Looking ahead to 2025…bodyguards? or Club books? is still the question I don’t have an answer for, yet.

This year, writing literally kept food on my table and kept my lights on and even though, it’s at odds to say, with my current utility bills, I’m so close to achieving the steady roll with my books. Yeah, releasing them on a schedule will help with that – I’m not unaware.

But success? If you define it like this (see below) yes, absolutely. I’m so grateful to be writing and for having amazing readers!

Speaking of Mercy – it seems I am locked out of Mercy’s Instagram right now. Funny, when I thought that I could hide my disabilities in this author gig yet they affect everything I do – including remembering passwords and constantly getting them wrong. You may recall I had the same issue with my main IG not that long ago and though this one isn’t quite a loss like Raleigh’s would have been, it’s annoying to have to go through the hoops and maybe start over. Weary side.

Heading back to the cave and getting this book polished and delivered.

success quote

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