This week, I felt like I was in some kind of time warp with the weather! 20C in November? Yeah, I’ll take that. Last year my cubs were trick-or-treating in an ice storm. This year, they did it in sweaters.

And maybe that’s why I’ve felt a little off, a little split-focused, chasing the words, getting the edits done on Flame True, to realize that I need to adjust to make something work for Book Five. The downside of being a plotter/planner is that when you outline to ensure there are no plot holes, fitting in something unexpected takes some mental gymnastics. I am a plotter AND an intuitive writer, and I don’t know how it gels, but it just does, and I am so grateful to be writing.

If you click to Get Sexy Tonight, you’ll find plenty of erotica and erotic romances up for grabs in this month’s group promotion.

Here’s a snippet of Flame True, and it is on preorder for $2.99USD right now

Off to wrangle words!

A snippet from Flame True.

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