As someone who wishes to one day go to a book conference/signing – even though I have done a fair number of cons with my Artist and I know how hard it would be physically and mentally, and how crowded it is […]
When I came back to writing out of necessity, I had to learn to be a plotter. Knowing what I was going to write before going into that space of time where I had a free hour was the only way I […]
This Wednesday finds me loving that the sun is shining it’s warm enough to be outside with just a sweater and my coffee is only half cold. But these edits are kicking my butt, so I’m not around much-ish and my KDP […]
It’s Friday and it’s not snowing and those are definitely wins! In Flame For A Weekend, Dax and Gardenia finally give into the attraction that’s sizzled between them. This is a novella where the FMC is exploring age play, submission and a […]
Flame For You, the first book in the Bandit Brothers Series, came out in March 2022. That’s wild! I can’t believe it’s been two years, and I can’t believe all the books that have followed since. I’m so, so grateful to be […]
(I’m Returning to a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday blogging schedule and still updating the site for mobile. Thanks for being patient!) Sign–up for an ARC, with the amount of discourse that is going around! Yikes. What do readers owe us? Nothing. […]
Why am I re-doing the covers? I know some readers loved the OG flame covers but I’m trying to get into more promotions and wanted all the covers to match. Updated paperbacks are coming. When I went in to update the front […]
I had Friday’s post all set, but critters got into one of the major transmitters, and we have a power outage. #truestory This Friday brought a weather change, that prompted a migraine the size of Venus and … words got down but […]
The Bandit Brothers Series is coming to an end, and I am sure, very, very sure, that this is the last cover refresh these books get. I mean, never say never, but I am very, very sure, The plan is to get […]
At this point my only goal is to move to a warmer climate. #kidding #notreally How is one supposed to do anything under these conditions? But I bundled up and went out with the humans I live with and froze my face […]