Came across this question today in one of the groups: “What keeps you motivated to write?”

And I almost, almost commented with, “Spite, mostly.”

But I didn’t.

But it’s true – mostly.

Trauma seriously had an effect on my crative output… eventually I got so mad that I wasn’t writing that I sobbed/screamed and then just did it. Totally afraid that I wouldn’t do it.

Still, fight the fear that I won’t get out this book if I don’t get out this book. It’s a grind.

(And a total love. And a content that is hard to explain).

Also I: Been slugging trying to polish this exhibitionism/voyeur scene. I have wanted to write this scene with these characters for so long – it might be the whole reason a third floor with a viewing room was added to Club Bandit … and yet…. the scene is not living up to the expectations in my head.




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