The Daylight Savings thing, ugh.

I’m not sure if there is enough coffee to get through the confusion and the feeling that everything is happening at the wrong time! We got a dusting of snow over the weekend, but fortunately, it has melted.
Trying to dust off the cobwebs to get to work and thinking of a question I saw on the clock app. “Of all the *spicy* activities that exist, the really popular ones, which ones aren’t for you?” and I wondered if I could put this to the books.
There is a lot of what I write that I find interesting and a lot that I would say “hello no” to, but that’s the fun of reading kink. It’s a way to explore it without actually doing everything.

And as a new review reminded me this morning, once “kinky” to one reader, might just be boring to another.

So using Mercy’s books an example here, it got me thinking that I love that moment of ownership, of when a character says what they want.

In my books, I’m after the intimacy, the feeling of excitement that exploration can bring and how this changes the characters after they experience something new.

In Five Days of Christmas Spice, Holly was hesitant to tell Noel about one of the things on her bucket list, but as she grew to trust him and worked up the gumption, she spat it out and found that’s what she needed.

In Five Days to Be Mine, Mara has one thing that’s a “no” on her list, but as she grows to know Noel, she re-negotiates that limit.

What about the Bandit Brothers books?

You know they’re Doms and expect to be in control in the bedroom. One of the elements I love about all of these driven alpha protectors is that there is a certain moment they have where they understand how strong the FMC they are set on protecting is – so I love that submission is cherished that way.

Did I go off base of the question I started with? Yes, absolutely. Like I said, not enough coffee.

What wouldn’t I write? I don’t know. Because some things wouldn’t occur to me to do in real life but make perfect sense for my characters. So maybe this isn’t a good question to put to the books but it’s fun to realize and talk about the motivation behind the kink.


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