
Three days before release of Sold To Her Enemy: A Night To Remember Auction and TikTok throws a fit and insists on being re-installed on my phone. Fine.

But then I can’t login into the mercywritesspice account because…I don’t remember the password. It’s a combination of letters and numbers and I swear, swear, swear that I pressed the save key for my phone to retain it in its memory.

But no.

If you’ve read here before you may recall that this is the second time I’ve lost the Mercy Denton account.  It’s she second time this year! that I have had account-password problems. Social media isn’t everything when it comes to book marketing but it helps to have a presence.

Especially three days before release day.

This is how #disabledaf affects my writing life.

Is it a “challenge” to overcome? No. It just is.

Do I hate that this happens? I mean, it’s an annoyance but I’m going to go burn down libraries.

I think it’s funny and highlights the irony of me ever thinking for a moment that I could just not mention being disabled (which I did, briefly, back when I started).

And because I can’t give up this blogging habit, here we are.

And maybe, there is another chaotic gremlin who is also #disabledaf out there seeing themselves in this post.

This is also an example of why I am so grateful I didn’t keep Mercy Denton as a “secret pen name.”

I don’t know if I could ever pull that off! Anyways, I went in and edited Raleigh’s TikTok so that it’s “Raleigh Damson also writing as Mercy Denton” and that actually makes it easier than maintaining two separate TikTok accounts.

I’m aware that the advice is to keep it all separate but I’m in Canada, I don’t have as much geo pull and I’m not out to make my TikToks go viral.

“If I didn’t marry you or give birth to you, I won’t remember your birthday,” is something I need on a mug.

And if I do? You should feel honoured. You should send me presents, honestly.


Anyways, if its hot as a demon’s snot where you are, I hope you’re staying cool. I’m hydrating with non-coffee things too and gong to get words down on Ares and Josie.


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