Flame For A Weekend: A Bandit Brothers Novella hung around the top twenty for awhile last week and I admit, that made me smile, a lot. It is chilly season here and as much as I love fall, I do not like the low temps that come with it. We’re dropping down to 2C tonight and hitting our first 0 of the season the next night and I am not ready! I need more fuzzy socks and blankets!

Our usual routine has been upended this week and I have found it hard to stay writing. So I have beta read for a couple of author friends instead and fell into other people’s world’s as I am thinking through my own.

The thing is, Sasha and Finn are done, I just need to hand it off but I keep doubting it. It’s funny how one experience can leech into your thoughts and stall your action, weary sigh. I do hope to get two chapters done on Nick & Mulberry over the next couple of days – it’s heating up, finally.


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