By the end of today, the ceiling should be fully repaired. It is really nice not to worry about old plaster falling on our heads while we sleep.

And I’m thinking of a conversation I wadded in yesterday and how I’ve had editors tell me in the past, “if you have to explain the word you are using, you need a different word.” So that’s why I used “disabled.” I am over being personally offended by other language but for example, if I write my MP about being “differently abled” then I have to spend more time explaining what that means. When the word disabled covers it. Also, it took me a long time to be okay with using the word disabled as part of my identity.  I think whenever people remove the term ‘disabled’ and try to replace it with another word, they are glossing over society that is the problem.

Anyways, Flame Again comes out tomorrow and I am so thrilled to share Ivy & Gabe’s story! I need to get some words down on Nick & Mulberry today … I feel very nervous about this slow burn thing. Do they have enough tension? Enough angst? And I want to tap out some words on Gardenia and Dax. Oh, did I mention that Gardenia is getting her own story? And Dax is one of the new recruits of Team Stealth because they are down manpower and Xander is going to need more bodies if he wants to keep up with the private operative stuff and of course, he does. Dax and Gardenia are going to be a fun, short story and when it’s finished my newsletter people will get it first. That’s also my “carrot” for today when I’m done creating the angs with Nick & Mulberry because sometimes you need more than coffee.

Please give Author Morgan Elliot’s book a click below!

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Cover of Midnight Sin by Morgan Elliott


Have you ever had the person you were meant to love reject you? I have, and honestly? It sucks. Alex Dunn was supposed to be my mate, but I have a past, and he kicked me to the curb as soon as he learned about it. So much for fate.

How did I handle it? I ran away, searching for a place where I could just be Amber, instead of Amber Tremaine, Homewrecker. But the new life I built for myself came crashing down when my dad died. While reeling from the loss, I have to face the pack that hates me and the mate that rejected me, and honestly, I am so not ready.

When I return, some things are exactly as I expected, but others are wildly different. For one, Alex is… nice to me. The way he’s acting tells me he might want to give us a try. However, from the things I’ve been hearing, he has a new woman in his bed every night. Couple that with the fact that he shamed me for sleeping around? Trusting his sincerity is pretty impossible.

Not that I have much time to process my ex-mate’s strange behavior, because my past is coming back to bite me again—literally this time.

Lyle is the vampire who took my v card, which would have been much more enjoyable if he hadn’t tried to murder me right after. Nobody is perfect, right?

His failure to kill me has turned into a creepy obsession that spells out danger for me, my pack, and the entire werewolf species as a whole. The only person who can save us all? Yeah, you guessed it. It’s me—the girl who messes up everything. No pressure. 

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