So I’ve tried to get a wrap-up post posted a bunch of times now, but I am just kind of low on energy and September, with all it’s starting, has taken my attention. But I want to, and I think I might wait till the end of the month and do one big wrap-up post.

I’ve also switched back to weekly NL’s because enough readers told me that’s their preference. I am waiting on the cover and edits for Gardenia and Dax! I’m so delighted with how this story turned out, and I really can’t wait to share. There was something about the “stick to one kink per one book” comment that lodged itself in my brain, needing to be expressed and the result is this story of the exploration of what’s too much and what’s too little and what’s just right, and it fits in with the Bandit Brothers Series so well. Inspiration comes in interesting places, a lot of times, mine comes through/from … spite, I guess. I have a long history of doing things people said I couldn’t, and I guess I’m not stopping now *laughs*.

My plant table needs a new plant friend; I think the atrium lily is done – maybe too cold or not enough sun? Whatever it is, I didn’t get the combination required to make this plant happy, le sigh.

Must go get some words down on Nick and Mulberry’s story; she is growing increasingly annoyed with his attention one moment and his coldness the next. Can’t say I blame the girl, I’d demand better, too.

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