Hi friends,

With each book, I do a new ARC Team and though I have repeat readers, I don’t have a set team because each book is different with different content warnings. But in that send out I do say, “You are not obligated to report typos but if you find them, I would appreciate being told.”
And I think I might have to change that policy. Maybe neon sign? Carrier pigeons are costly, I hear.

So pretend this is in all caps: If you find a typo in one of my books, or something wonky, or weird formatting, I want to know. Especially if you are reading an ARC.

Because I can fix it before it goes live.

And also? I do pay editors and proofreaders and if over a certain amount of errors, I might question working with that editor and proofreader again (not to say that I don’t understand mistakes! I do and don’t expect any one person to catch them all).

It’s the eve of  Flame True’s release and yet, I’m in knots.

You guys, this is a record number of pre-orders for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear readers. Your support keeps me going. It really, truly does.

One of my amazing ARC Readers found wonky formatting and typos in their ARC version of Flame True and they were so kind to send me screenshots! I fixed the file. But Amazon runs on GMT time and locks the file at a certain point.

Though I fixed it in the file and uploaded it to all other retailers, I didn’t beat the clock on ‘Zon (thought I did! Ha, that’s what that gets me).

So if you are one of the awesome readers who ordered Flame True from the’Zon prior to Jan 17th 2022, please reach out to me and I will send you the corrected file.


And know, I am going to do my best to enjoy the release day! Nick and Mulberry have waited long enough for their HEA. And weren’t you wondering what happened to the girl they rescued?

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